Monday, 28 May 2012

History of Local Schools

As introduced at the AGM (see below), the Society has decided to carry out a pilot project and do some research into local history. The topic we have chosen is the "History of Local Schools".
We are looking for volunteers to help with this project. We want to:
  • Set up a small project committee to meet occasionally over the summer to set up some guidelines for a formal launch at the September meeting.
  • Have a brief update at each monthly meeting.
  • Report our findings at next year's AGM.
  • Use the web to share information
The "Schools Project" page will have more details.
Please contact me ( or any committee member to find out more and hopefully to volunteer.

Visit to Chester Town Hall 28 June

Doug Haynes has kindly organised our summer outing on Thursday June 28. This will be a morning visit and tour of Chester Town Hall. We meet at the Town Hall at 10:30. 
Provisional arrangements have been made for lunch in the Cathedral Refectory. The Refectory are offering a 2 course meal for £10 provided they have at least 20 diners.
Please let Doug Haynes ( or 771400) if you would like to join us for lunch.


This post briefly summarises the AGM held on 24 May. Formal minutes will be available later.
Main points:
  • Doug Haynes reviewed the talks and outings held during the year
  • Ann Wall presented the minutes of the last AGM
  • Bob Welch reported a healthy £800+ bank balance and it was agreed that the yearly subscription should remain at £10
  • Di Carr presented the proposed programme of meetings for next year (see Events 2012/13 page)
  • As no other nominations had been received, the existing committee was re-elected
  • Paul Bujac introduced the Society's new research topic 'The History of Local Schools' (see separate post)
The meeting concluded with a video on 'The Meres and Mosses of South Cheshire and North Shropshire'.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Gentle reminder AGM 24 May

You should have received an email from Ann Wall inviting you to the AGM to be held on 24 May, 7:30 pm, Tiverton Village Hall. Apart from the formal agenda (document link), we hope to be introducing our ideas for a research study project for next year, and Doug will be showing a video on the Meres and Mosses of South Cheshire and North Shropshire.
We look forward to seeing all members.

Northwich and the River Weaver

Following on from our visit to Weaver Hall (Salt Museum) in December and Tony Bostock's talk on salt making, members should be interested in this talk by Colin Edmondson on June 14th. Details can be found by clicking on this link.
Thanks to Andrew Needham for pointing this out.