Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Tilstone Fearnall School Project and AGM

The next meeting is Thursday 22nd May. This is the AGM but the main item here will be an illustrated presentation of the findings of a group of members based in Tiverton who researched Tilstone Fearnall Primary School. It will include a display of photographs and extracts from the school log book. The group have researched extensively at the records office and have interviewed former pupils and staff. This will be an interesting insight into local school life and includes memories of some of our own members.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Memories of Port Sunlight 24th April

Once again an excellent talk and a packed hall. Joan Colwell gave us a very human insight into Port Sunlight and the Lever family. Joan's mother worked for Lord Lever's sisters and Joan was brought up in the village.