Tuesday, 20 January 2015

University of Chester event on Contest and Collaboration

The Cheshire Local History Association is supporting an conference on the archeaology and history of the March of Wales on Saturday 11 April.

Follow link to poster.

There is an accompanying website www.chester.ac.uk/contestandcollab

Sunday, 18 January 2015

John Ellis and the Cheshire Regiment Thursday 22nd January

Our first speaker for 2015 will be John Ellis. John will be doing readings from archives of Cheshire Regiment plus extracts from letters and diaries of soldiers relating to the progress of WW1. As well as giving an insight into the war it will be humorous and gives a picture of the feelings and opinions of those involved. 

As usual Tiverton Vilage Hall at 7:30pm.  All are welcome.

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Magna Carta: a course by Roger Wickson

Helen Kerr has just received details from Keele University of a course tutored by Roger Wickson on Magna Carta: Myth and Reality.

The course will be held at Nantwich Museum from 10am to 12noon for twelve weeks from Monday 16th February to Monday 23rd March and Monday 13th April to Monday 18th May.
The fee for the course is £100.
For further details contact Roger at wickson@audlem2.freeserve.co.uk

Members will remember the fascinating talk Roger gave us a couple of years ago on the Fourth Crusade