Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Crewe - The Railway Colony, 22 October

David Cooke's talk described the establishment and development of the 'new' town of Crewe in rural Cheshire by the Grand Junction Railway Company in the early and mid 19th C. David, who was born in the Colony, gave a fascinating overview of the Company's control and paternalism, their town planning, their architecture and services all much advanced for the times, and the class system where workers knew their place and home.  David also outlined the sad demise of the Colony as the Railways ceased to be a major employer and as much of this early Victorian settlement was demolished to make way for late 20th C developments. 

Saturday, 17 October 2015

The Changing Face of the District

The Changing Face of the District - an idea for a project.

The main stay of the Society's activities is the series of talks by invited speakers. Although these are always well received, it would be great if members could also do some research and share some local history. The recent study on Tilstone Fearnall school was a success.

We propose that that we look at the changing face of our neighbourhood. It is surprising how many changes have occurred over the past few decades. New by-passes, housing developments, and schools have arrived. Pubs, post offices, chapels, and businesses have disappeared.  Even the street furniture has changed.

We feel it is important to capture these changes, both by recording what is here now and by capturing people's memories. Future historians will struggle if they have no records.

Can we start this project in an informal way by asking members to choose some topics and to gather information. The use of modern technology, eg  our weblog and the 'cloud', allows us to store and share documents and photographs. We have added an extra page to this weblog to record our findings.

We will launch this initiative at the October meeting, we will follow the progress of this project throughout the year and have a presentation at the AGM in May.

Crewe - the Railway Colony, David Cooke Thursday 22 October

Our next talk is 'Crewe - the Railway Colony' by David Cooke. This talk is about the early development of the "new town" of Crewe once the Railway Company had decided to make the area its HQ for engineering etc. in about 1840. David Cooke, originally from the Potteries, is a local Historian and member of Crewe and Nantwich U3A Local History Group where he regularly gives presentations on subjects of Local History and he also conducts tours of places of interest in the Potteries and surrounding area. As usual, the talk will be at 7:30 in Tiverton Village Hall and non-members are very welcome.