Sunday, 16 July 2017

Anderton Lift Boat trip 22nd June

Some 18 members visited a local feat of Victorian engineering, the Anderton Boat Lift. (Lift website) This lift built in 1875, but recently restored, allowed laden canal boats to be moved to and from the River Weaver below and the Trent and Mersey canal above. The river gave good access to the Mersey and Liverpool; the canal gave good access to the Cheshire salt towns and the Potteries. The feedback from members was that this was a very successful and enjoyable outing with lunch, then a river cruise to Northwich, and finally a ride up the lift itself at the end.


Pictures Cathy Peel and Paul Bujac

AGM 25th May

The Society held its AGM on 25th May. Bob Welch was in the chair and some 18 other members attended. Formal minutes will be published later but the main points to note include:
  • Anita Langford (Treasurer) noted that income comfortably exceeded expenditure and the Society had some £2015 in the bank account
  • Therefore it was decided to hold the membership fee at £10
  • Anita is stepping down as Treasurer as she is taking over the treasurer's role for the Tarporley and District U3A. Bob thanked her for all her hard work over the past 2/3 years.
  • Unfortunately there had been no volunteers for this treasurer vacancy, so the following were proposed and elected for the committee:
    Doug Haynes Chair
    Bob Welch Treasurer
    Paul Bujac Secretary
  • A full programme has been arranged for next year. Thanks to Trish Welch for all her work. (Trish is also standing down).
  • The summer outing will be to the Anderton Boat Lift on 22nd June.