Monday, 4 June 2018

AGM 24th May

The Society held its AGM at Tiverton Village Hall on 24th May.

Some 18 members attended.

It was reported that we now had 48 members and finances were healthy. We had some £1894 in reserves.

The following officers were elected.

Tom Platt         Chair
Trish Welch     Vice-chair
Bob Welch      Treasurer
Paul Bujac       Secretary

Items discussed included next year's programme and the Society's Privacy Policy.

Details can be found in the draft minutes; follow Draft minutes

The meeting was followed by an open discussion on how things, particularly communications, had changed in our life times.

Hampton House School 26th April

Members were given an insight into life in an English Prep school in the late 50's and early 60's when Andrew Wheeler talked about his time as a boarder at Hampton House School. This school moved from Chester post war into Gardenhurst, a gentlemen's residence, and then closed in the 60's. The building was then demolished and site developed for housing and for the local Deeside Ramblers hockey club.
Andrew gave a personal view of being a young boarder, away from home, and, in particular, his recollections of the staff and some scandal.