Saturday, 20 October 2018

Tarporley High Street 27th September 2018

We started our 2018/9 season with a bit of a difference. Rather than our normal meeting and talk in Tiverton, we had a tour of Tarporley High Street. Pat Symms was our guide and on a rather dull late summer evening, with the light just starting to fade, Pat took a party of some 30 brave members on a fascinating insight into the buildings and history of the village. We started in the Market Court by the Swan, walked up to Burton Square, and finished by the Manor House. What we discovered was that, despite some new developments, many of the buildings in the High Street haven't changed. What has changed is the use of the buildings and how businesses have moved on from a variety of local trades, many associated with Tarporley's connection with horses, such as blacksmiths and saddlers, to today's shops serving 21st C needs. And even today's shops are changing from year to year.

We finished our walk with a supper in the Hunt Room, directly above the Market Court, with Pat giving us some of the history of the room and the Tarporley Hunt.

Feedback suggests that this was a very successful evening. Many thanks to Pat for organising this.