Sunday 1 May 2016

The Lion Salt Works 28th April

Some 28 members and friends enjoyed a guided tour around the recently restored Lion Salt Works at Marston near Northwich. These works opened originally in 1894 and produced salt by the traditional open pan process until 1986.The site was then purchased by Vale Royal Borough Council and run as a working museum for some time but it deteriorated and became unsafe. In 1993, a charitable Trust was set up to restore the museum, and with help from local authorities and grants of £10M, the site has been transformed to show the history of both the Lion Salt Works and local salt making. It was a cold day, not a day for too much loitering, and a marked change from the hot sweaty smoke filled conditions endured by the workers. 

The members did however brave the heavy and cold April showers to make it to the Salt Barge pub across the road for an excellent lunch.

The history of the Bibby Line 24th March

The evening's speaker was Christina Spencer who gave us a personal insight into the Bibby Line, regarded as the oldest privately owned shipping line in the world. Christina has worked for the Company for many years and is now the archivist. Bibby Line was founded in 1807 and has been involved in all aspects of international shipping. The Company has now diversified and interests also include financial services and haulage.
The Bibby Line website gives more details of their history.